
Posts Tagged ‘photo challenge’

“Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
― L. Frank Baum

So in preparation for The Big Trip later this year, we treated ourselves to new cameras! The challenge when you’ve worked with a D-SLR for so long, is adapting to change and being able to manage a ‘simpler’ compact camera. We decided to opt for slightly more complicated and did some research and ended up with a couple of Panasonic Lumix cameras. They haven’t disappointed yet! If you’re looking for a point and shoot that’s fairly easy to use just let me know and I’ll talk you through what we have and how awesome they are…

It’s been a while since I blogged – since WordPress wants to charge me £240+ a year for the privilege of easy uploading and storing photos (I reached the free limit), I’ve been reluctant to blog. I miss it. I miss the daily photo challenge that I completed twice for a year each time. I miss the comments and interaction too!

Since it has been a while, the photos are a mismatch of lots of occasions from the last little while. Birds in the garden (noisy, messy but pretty), Sunsets, Abba tribute bands and garden flowers. The Abba tribute band was last night in the gardens of a house in a local village. The event was to celebrate the Church being in the village for three hundred years. We took picnics and had pretty tables in a beautiful Marquee. The band was good (Abba’s Angels) but we couldn’t see them because of all the dancing!

I’ve also been reading, lots. And I mean lots. I’ve been clearing my bookshelves, swapping books, selling them on, donating them – raising a few pennies to load my kindle with enough books to last me the Month long Holiday later this year! It has been lovely properly researching books, sending thousands of samples to my Kindle and wandering the book Aisles in shops to get inspiration. Summer reads =)

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“Why can’t people just sit and read books and be nice to each other?”
― David Baldacci

We wandered out this evening, looking for a red Poppy field to photograph, having seen one a few nights ago. Sadly there weren’t any local (that we could find!) However we did venture to a field that I knew was red a few years ago and to our surprise, found a beautiful spread of white poppies.


The rain was on the horizon which made an interesting hue in the sky, sort of like the sunsets from a few evenings ago. There was Hail, Thunder, sunshine and rain today – a bit of everything except for snow! Rumour has it a tornado almost touched down on the Isle of Wight too…Now that would have made for some fabulous photographs!

We’re taking a break from our very hectic Wedding season, to enjoy a bit of ad hoc photography – sort of whenever and wherever. The evening sunsets are really helping us with that unplanned plan!

My blog title today is the tiniest reference to the latest political happenings in the UK… I mean seriously, the media (social media included) has just exploded the past few days with such, hate, stupid comments, scare-mongering articles and more! Why can’t everyone just sit down somewhere quietly and read a good book….even for a short while…! Enough said on that topic….

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