
Posts Tagged ‘beast from the east’

What a name for a weather front! But it was all true – and the chilling temperatures of The Beast met the snow that came with Storm Emma to give us a fantastic few days of proper weather. I’ve seen snow before and I’ve known it cold, but neither of those have been experienced at the levels we’ve had for the past few days. We’ve had -7 celcius combined with wind chill of -13 celcius and some snow drifts are around 3 – 4 feet high in our area of England.

Luckily, I didn’t need to travel today and was able to wrap up warm with the uni books. I took a well earned break exploring the countryside and grabbing a few photographs though, thanks to my Dad’s 4 x 4.

We found a Lapwing (bird) on our travels! He/she was sitting on the side of the road, freezing. We didn’t think it would make it but my Mum wrapped it up in her scarf and I think it spent the afternoon by their fire thawing out and is now doing well again!

We also (thought) we rescued an elderly lady making her way down the road. It really wasn’t safe for anyone to be walking but she was braving it – we asked her where she was going and took her there, turns out she was going to someone’s house to do their ironing! It was sort of a good deed but gosh… dedication to the job there.

The snow has stopped and a thaw is forecast over the weekend – I’ve never seen such constant snow before, followed by freezing rain – which really is a thing. We have intermittent heating and hopefully that will be fixed over the weekend but in the meantime we’re wrapping up warm and keeping calm! Enjoy the photos… it’s been a while hasn’t it…

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